black moon


“In the year 2020, we are bearing witness to over 40 million jobs lost. Over 100 thousands lives lost. A viral and racial pandemic across the globe. Far beneath the devastation lies a transformational future that could be unfolding faster than we think.

Since the age of ancient Native American tribes, each full moon was an opportunity to set intentions for the next cycle, establish fresh goals, or conduct rituals that wipe the slate clean. Much like the microevolutionary process of our lives, this magical ball of light piercing the night sky is a mother icon of constant change and cyclical patterns.

 One of the most powerful celestial phenomenons is the rare Black Moon. A second new moon that occurs within one calendrical month. It is said that the Black Moon amplifies a cleansing energy, dragging our deepest strengths and desires to the forefront, uninhibited. Just like the dark side of the moon, there is a side to each of us that we don’t reveal to others. 

 Mirroring a lunar experience in contemporary dance form, this book is a collection of inspirational messages and some of the most vulnerable stories revealed by women from around the world. 

 2020. This is Black Moon.”

I am grateful to be a featured writer in this Black Moon book. Pre-order a copy HERE!