Why am I up?
Must be for a reason
Finally had an urge to write
To design, to create
Playing in my bubble
my safe space
Thought about decorating it
as if it’s a new place
reflective of current life
shifts and changes
However decided to
keep it simple
using minimal accents
to spruce up the energy
springing forth fave flowers
falling into love’s idiom
Why am I up?
Work is tomorrow
tedious are my tasks
and yet I sit aimlessly
in my own thoughts and feels
without any sense of urgency
of the 12:54am on top of my screen
this moment is a vacay or a vacuum
or a vanity or a villain
Wonder how many ‘v’ words i know
let’s not play that vicious game
may feel limited and right now,
I’d like to feel limitless, free floating
seamless in senselessness
Why am I up?
Alarm will go off in about 4 hours
Is it insomnia? Or anxiety?
Stress disguised as peace?
Pure excitement of next week?
Heat waking me up?
Midnight bathroom breaks?
Slight fear of nightmares?
Angels wanting to chat?
1:02 am is the time
3 is a nice way to end
so until next time,
I’ll try to sleep again